Thursday, January 11, 2018

Learning Tarot

I found a dusty old set of Tarot cards and a mini how to read book. So, naturally, I just had to try out a reading.

I'll post my readings here with explanations when I get a chance.

For this reading:

For the last 5 weeks I've been stuck, perpetually concerned about what awaits when I start back at work as a relatively new teacher. I dread it. It's zapped all of my creative, expressive energy and all of my usual revivers (drawing, writing, sewing etc.) have failed me. The Hermit sits perfectly in the What's at Hand top position. He tells of the ruts and routines (and people) that are holding me down and darkening my world.

I had a job change last year. I went from being a successful, hard - working, expert in the field to a new teacher, who feels like an imposter. In the position of Past Influences, the King of Wands tells of what is causing my rut. I felt effective and well-respected but my current lot in life is causing me to question past decisions when the past was so golden.

I'm living between paychecks and it hurts. Transitioning from a full-time permanent position in the lucrative Defence Force to very temperamental work as a contract teacher isn't helping my negative thoughts. This position is asking me to Ponder This. The Knight of Pentacles confirms my money and time worries. Especially worrying about whether I will ever have enough of each to enjoy myself. Budgets and schedules are important to helping me out of this down period.

Finally, The World was drawn in the What to Do position and is trying to tell me to be objective and see both sides of every situation. Yes, my former career was built to be solid, comfortable and reliable, but I am only starting this journey. Learn from those around me and be strong in my decisions. The world keeps turning.

Let me know if you think I am reading this all wrong. I am just a beginner and open to suggestions.
